Imagine government bureaucrats in Washington deciding whether your life is worth saving or not. Such a nightmare that could very well become a reality should the Democrats get their way.

When the government gets involved in healthcare, it always leads to disaster and death — and “Medicare for All” is the crown jewel of social healthcare programs.

Those who are still unsure about the effectiveness of a government-run healthcare system should look to our northern neighbor, Canada, to see for themselves.

HHS wants insight from private companies like venture capital firms and startup incubators on strategies to accelerate investment, innovation and research in healthcare.

The agency on Wednesday announced the formation of the Deputy Secretary’s Innovation and Investment Summit, a yearlong collaboration with HHS officials and various private healthcare companies and investors. The creation of the summit is in response to a request for information HHS posted in June on ways it can work with “those focused on innovating and investing in the healthcare industry.”

With Americans increasingly concerned about drug prices and the Trump administration’s drug-pricing blueprintsupporting free-market pathways, the overriding question is: How do we inject more competition into the system by which drugs are purchased and dispensed?  Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb has already moved to accelerate generic drug approvals, and now he wants to repeat that success by galvanizing the market for biosimilars, where products could be priced between 20-30 percent lower than their innovator brand cousins.

States serve as “laboratories of democracy,” as U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously said. And states are also labs for health policy, launching all kinds of experiments lately to temper spending on pharmaceuticals.

No wonder. Drugs are among the fastest-rising health care costs for many consumers and are a key reason health care spending dominates many state budgets — crowding out roads, schools and other priorities.

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